Youth Consent Resources
Consent is important in every relationship, whether it’s a casual hook-up, long-term relationship or anything in between. It’s also important for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Consent involves people working to understand and respect their own boundaries as well as respecting other people’s boundaries. According to ACT laws, affirmative consent means a person must take active steps to be sure that they have established that someone does want to engage in any sexual activity before starting to do so. Anyone can change their mind about what they want to do, anytime.
It’s crucial to “check in” regularly and pay attention to what someone is saying (or not saying), in addition to their body language and facial expressions.
This resource has been designed in collaboration with young Canberrans to help young people gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make well-informed decisions where consent is required.
This resource was created through a partnership between the ACT Youth Advisory Council and the SHFPACT Youth Peer Educators. It was made possible by a grant from the ACT Community Services Directorate. This booklet was designed to compliment the Youth Advisory Council’s Consent – A Hot Topic Resource available on the council’s website.