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Four things you didn’t know about periods

When you first learn about periods and get your first one, there's a lot to take in, and get used to; tracking your cycle, managing the flow, and regularly changing your pads or tampons. Often shushed by society, period talk – even into adulthood – can seem like whispered 'women's-only' business, a taboo topic rather than a crucial and celebrated part of women's health. So in case you missed a menstrual memo, or just want to learn more, here are four things you may not know about the menstrual cycle. To start with, sex shouldn’t hurt, and if it does, a good tip is to say “stop”, no...

Cervical Screening

What is the Cervical Screening Test? The Cervical Screening Test (CST) aims to prevent cancer of the cervix (also called cervical cancer). Cervical cancer is preventable with regular cervical screening because pre-cancerous changes can be found and easily treated, so cancer does not develop. Most people who do develop cervical cancer have either never had cervical screening or have had screening less often than recommended. Cervical screening saves lives! What is the cervix and where is it? The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) and is located at the top of the vagina. ...