Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) offers a holistic, confidential and respectful service to Canberra and the region.
For 50 years, SHFPACT has provided clinical and education services in Canberra and the region to improve sexual and reproductive health outcomes in our community. Within a framework of human rights and social justice values, SHFPACT continues to:
- Advocate for the right of individuals to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health
- Develop and distribute information and resources that allow people to make informed choices
- Make available low-cost clinical services to priority populations
- Deliver outreach clinical services & education to young people and people with disabilities
- Provide social safety and relationship skills workshops to people with a disability
- Provide a range of workforce development opportunities for doctors, nurses, allied health, teachers, disability & other community workers to develop and improve skills in sexual and reproductive health and rights
SHFPACT is a health promotion charity (HPC) assisted with funding from the ACT Government.