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Supporting students affirming gender at school

The Good Practice Guide for 'Supporting students affirming gender at school' has been launched by the  ACT Safe and Inclusive Schools Initiative. The Guide deals specifically with the ways school communities can be proactive in gender-inclusive practice, and support students who are transgender and gender diverse (TGD) when they decide they wish to share or express their gender identity at school.

Free Safe and Inclusive Schools Initiative Core LGBTQIA+ Training (TQI Accredited)

Do you want to learn about how you can contribute to building safer and more inclusive schools for all students? The Safe and Inclusive Schools Initiative are running a free 3 Hour * TQI-accredited training workshop to unpack and examine the experiences of Australian LGBTQIA+ students, and how to be more inclusive.

You’re So Sexy

You’re So Sexy is a sexual health comic designed to reach adults and young people who may have difficulty finding sexual health resources. This publication was created by Isabella Rotman in collaboration with Sexual Health & Family Planning ACT. It has been clinically reviewed and contains accurate local information about: Communication and consent Important sexual health checks Contraception options Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) – prevention, testing and treatment References, links to more information and also to specialist local services DOWNLOAD PDF...