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Supporting students affirming gender at school

The Good Practice Guide for 'Supporting students affirming gender at school' has been launched by the  ACT Safe and Inclusive Schools Initiative. The Guide deals specifically with the ways school communities can be proactive in gender-inclusive practice, and support students who are transgender and gender diverse (TGD) when they decide they wish to share or express their gender identity at school.

Including Intersex

Including Intersex: responding to issues affecting the educational experiences of intersex students in Australia is a new resource filling a gap in information and guidance about the needs and experiences of intersex people specifically for the school and education setting. It is estimated that intersex people account for up to 1.7% of the global population. Across all school levels and systems, this equates to around 1300 to 1400 intersex students in the school system at any given point in time (roughly 1 student in every 2-3 classrooms). This statistic means that educators have almost certainly...

Puberty Workshops for Primary Students

Puberty Workshops (Primary School Years 3-6) Puberty is a significant time of growth and change, and the provision of high quality, comprehensive and timely education has many positive impacts for young people.   SHFPACT offers a range of student workshops to complement and support the work already being undertaken by schools, teaching staff, parents and carers. SHFPACT Puberty workshops are age and stage appropriate and informed by the Health and Physical Education subject area of the Australian Curriculum (Version 9). Our educators utilise a variety of educational experiences to engage students...

Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools

The goal of Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools is to increase teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering sexuality and relationships education in schools. As Identity, Relationships, Consent and Sexuality are focus areas in the Australia Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), teachers must deliver this content in schools. Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools is designed to support teachers in delivering relationships and sexuality education to a high standard, fulfilling curriculum requirements and contributing to...

You’re So Sexy

You’re So Sexy is a sexual health comic designed to reach adults and young people who may have difficulty finding sexual health resources. This publication was created by Isabella Rotman in collaboration with Sexual Health & Family Planning ACT. It has been clinically reviewed and contains accurate local information about: Communication and consent Important sexual health checks Contraception options Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) – prevention, testing and treatment References, links to more information and also to specialist local services DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION...

Relationships & Protective Behaviours Training for Teachers of Pre-School - Grade 2

The goal of Relationships and Protective Behaviours Training is to build teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering education about the human body and relationships. Safety, Consent and Relationships are focus areas of the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), therefore it is vital that teachers are familiar with current content and practices in these areas. This training builds on teacher content knowledge and assists teachers to plan programs about the human body, relationships and social safety. Relationships and Protective Behaviours Training...

Teaching Relationships & Puberty to Grades 3-6

The goal of Teaching Relationships and Puberty in Grades 3-6 is to increase teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering sexuality and relationships education in primary schools. As Relationships, Puberty, Emotions, Consent and Health Information are focus areas in the Australia Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), teachers must deliver this content in schools. Teaching Relationships and Puberty in Grades 3-6 is designed to support teachers in delivering this content to a high standard, fulfilling curriculum requirements and contributing to educating a generation...