Do you want to learn about how you can contribute to building safer and more inclusive schools for all students?
The Safe and Inclusive Schools Initiative are running a free 3 Hour * TQI-accredited training workshop to unpack and examine the experiences of Australian LGBTQIA+ students, and how to be more inclusive.
The goal of Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools is to increase teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering sexuality and relationships education in schools. As Identity, Relationships, Consent and Sexuality are focus areas in the Australia Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), teachers must deliver this content in schools. Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools is designed to support teachers in delivering relationships and sexuality education to a high standard, fulfilling curriculum requirements and contributing to...
The goal of Relationships and Protective Behaviours Training is to build teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering education about the human body and relationships. Safety, Consent and Relationships are focus areas of the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), therefore it is vital that teachers are familiar with current content and practices in these areas. This training builds on teacher content knowledge and assists teachers to plan programs about the human body, relationships and social safety. Relationships and Protective Behaviours Training...