SHLiRP : Sexual Health, Lifestyle and Relationships Program
The Sexual Health, Lifestyle and Relationships Program (SHLiRP) is a collaboration between Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) and The Canberra Sexual Health Centre, located at The Canberra Hospital, that brings sexual health screening clinics, and sexual health / sexuality education to secondary colleges in the ACT.
The SHLiRP Program team visits up to five ACT secondary colleges per year to offer sexuality, relationships and sexual health education, as well as in-school clinics to offer screening for sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood-bourne viruses (BBVs). Each cohort of Year 11 & 12 students will get an opportunity to participate at least once during their time at college.
The Program works on a voluntary model, students are all encouraged to attend the health education session, and are then offered the opportunity to participate in a clinical consultation. Students aged 15 years are required to provide parental consent to participate in the consultation. Otherwise, participation and results are kept strictly confidential. Young people enjoy the same right to privacy about their use of health services as other community members.
SHLiRP's successful model has been operating with the support of ACT Government Health Directorate and Education & Training Directorate, ACT Government secondary colleges staff and students, for more than ten years.
For more information or help please contact any of the services below:
Do you need somebody to talk to about sexual health, lifestyles or relationships?
The services below are only a text, click or call away!
- Sexual Health & Family Planning ACT
For more information on STI transmission, testing, and contraception.
1st Floor, 28 University Ave, Canberra City
Call 6247 3077 - Canberra Sexual Health Centre
For more information on STI transmission and testing.
The Canberra Hospital
Call 5124 2184 - The Junction Youth Health Service
Free primary health care service for people aged 12 to 25 years old.
30 Scotts Crossing, Canberra City
Call 6232 2423
- ACT Walk-in Centres
Walk-in Centres offer free health care for non-life threatening injuries and illnesses. They are located at the Community Health Centres thought out Canberra. Opening hours are from 7.30am to 10.00pm daily, including public holidays. No appointment is needed.
health.act.gov.au/hospitals-and-health-centres - Meridian ACT
Meridian is a peer-led, community-controlled organisation taking action to improve the health and wellbeing of people impacted by HIV and LGBTIQA+ people, and create safe and inclusive communities. Meridian provides sexual health prevention, targeted health promotion and community events. Meridian Wellbeing Services provide low and no cost counselling and mental health support including psychologists, mental health social workers and peer-led support services.
Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner ACT 2612
Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner ACT 2612
Call 6257 2855
Call 6257 2855
- Lifeline
24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Call 13 11 14
- Headspace
A national youth mental health foundation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians.
Call 6201 5343
- A Gender Agenda
Gender Agenda works with intersex, transgender and gender diverse people, their friends, families and allies.
Call 6162 1924 - Canberra Rape Crisis Centre
If you’ve been sexually assaulted, you can get help and support.
Call 6247 2525