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FPAA Certificate Course in Reproductive & Sexual Health

The Family Planning Alliance Of Australia Certificate Course For Doctors In Reproductive And Sexual Health is a nationally accredited course is designed for medical practitioners who wish to expand their knowledge and increase their skills in the delivery of sexual and reproductive health care. 2025 COURSE DATES TBA The five day Theory Component takes place over three weekends. It is suitable for: GPs and GP Registrars,  O&G Registrars,  Sexual Health Physician Trainees  Medical Practitioners who hold the Family Planning Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health from past...

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IUD Insertion Workshop for GPs

This workshop is designed for suitably experienced GPs who wish to learn to insert IUDs or GPs who are interested in learning more about IUDs as a contraceptive option for their patients but intend to refer them elsewhere for insertion. Our next course date is 8 Febuary 2025, however we have a full waitlist for this course and will not be taking any further applications for 2025.

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Relationships & Protective Behaviours Training for Teachers of Pre-School - Grade 2

The goal of Relationships and Protective Behaviours Training is to build teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering education about the human body and relationships. Safety, Consent and Relationships are focus areas of the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), therefore it is vital that teachers are familiar with current content and practices in these areas. This training builds on teacher content knowledge and assists teachers to plan programs about the human body, relationships and social safety. Relationships and Protective Behaviours...

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Teaching Relationships & Puberty to Grades 3-6

The goal of Teaching Relationships and Puberty in Grades 3-6 is to increase teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering sexuality and relationships education in primary schools. As Relationships, Puberty, Emotions, Consent and Health Information are focus areas in the Australia Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), teachers must deliver this content in schools. Teaching Relationships and Puberty in Grades 3-6 is designed to support teachers in delivering this content to a high standard, fulfilling curriculum requirements and contributing to educating a...

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Contraceptive Implant (Implanon NXT) Training Workshop

Delivered Canberra, the SHFPACT Contraceptive Implant (Implanon NXT) Training Workshop has been designed for Doctors and GP’s who wish to learn safe insertion and removal of the contraceptive implant.  LEARNING OUTCOMES Demonstrate safe insertion of the contraceptive implant Demonstrate safe removal of the contraceptive implant Counsel patients on the use of the contraceptive implant Manage common side effects associated with the contraceptive implant COURSE FORMAT 1.5 hour face to face workshop, includes theory and practise on a model arm. SHFPACT is a leading provider of...

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Female Teacher sitting with students looking at an iPad

Become a SoSAFE! Registered User

SoSAFE! is a set of visual and conceptual tools designed to promote social safety for individuals living with intellectual disability and/or Autism Spectrum.  SoSAFE! Training includes a copy of the SoSAFE! Manual and Resource Kit, as well as a license to produce SoSAFE! materials for up to 50 clients. The one day SoSAFE! User Training is an essential part of the SoSAFE! program. It introduces teachers, parents, carers, counsellors and disability workers etc. to the framework and the rationale behind SoSAFE!. It will equip them with the visual tools, lesson plans and skills to implement...

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Well Women's Screening Course

The aim of this course is to equip nurses working in primary care with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve competency in undertaking Cervical Screening Tests in the context of a well women's screening consultation. Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT is the leader in integrated sexual and reproductive health workforce development, including post-graduate sexual and reproductive health education for nurses and doctors in the ACT region. High-quality continuing professional development for the nursing and allied health workforce is central to SHFPACT’s strategic directions to...

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SoSafe! Goes to Work for Employees

Prepares people with intellectual disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder for work and helps them maintain employment. SoSAFE! Goes to Work provides a pathway for individuals with intellectual disability and/or ASD to enter and remain in the workforce with an enhanced understanding and integration of social norms, appropriate workplace behaviours and social and sexual safety. The program includes: Education Counselling Free parents’/ carers’ workshop Free workplace seminar In the educational component participants develop an undetanding of categories of relationships and...

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SoSAFE! Goes to Work for Managers

SoSAFE! Goes to Work for Managers and Co-workers is a one day training for managers and co-workers of people with intellectual disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder. The training will provide you with the skills, tools and strategies from the SoSAFE! framework to support co-workers living with intellectual disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder. The training will be tailored to meet the needs of your workplace, and includes: Understanding disability, sexuality and social safety Introduction to SoSAFE! concepts, language and tools Applying SoSAFE! tools in the workplace ...

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Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools

The goal of Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools is to increase teachers’ skills and confidence in delivering sexuality and relationships education in schools. As Identity, Relationships, Consent and Sexuality are focus areas in the Australia Health and Physical Education Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, 2022), teachers must deliver this content in schools. Teaching Relationships and Sexuality in Secondary Schools is designed to support teachers in delivering relationships and sexuality education to a high standard, fulfilling curriculum requirements and contributing...

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Puberty Workshops for Primary Students

Puberty Workshops (Primary School Years 3-6) Puberty is a significant time of growth and change, and the provision of high quality, comprehensive and timely education has many positive impacts for young people.   SHFPACT offers a range of student workshops to complement and support the work already being undertaken by schools, teaching staff, parents and carers. SHFPACT Puberty workshops are age and stage appropriate and informed by the Health and Physical Education subject area of the Australian Curriculum (Version 9). Our educators utilise a variety of educational experiences to engage...

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