SoSafe! Goes to Work for Employees
Prepares people with intellectual disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder for work and helps them maintain employment.
SoSAFE! Goes to Work provides a pathway for individuals with intellectual disability and/or ASD to enter and remain in the workforce with an enhanced understanding and integration of social norms, appropriate workplace behaviours and social and sexual safety.
The program includes:
- Education
- Counselling
- Free parents’/ carers’ workshop
- Free workplace seminar
In the educational component participants develop an undetanding of categories of relationships and permissible behaviours with people in each category. The program articulates social norms, socially appropriate behaviours and expectations within a workplace. The participants will practice the categorisation of relationships, and social and sexual safety skills.
The counselling component facilitates self-knowledge and supports participants to achieve their personal goals in relation to work. It also integrates the knowledge and skills into the individual’s life experience and improves problem solving abilities. The parents’/carers’ workshop teaches the conceptual framework and language of the program. This enables parents/carers to support participants in their learning and reinforce the application of the skills.
The workplace seminar helps employers and co-workers to develop a productive and supportive environment by giving them an understanding of the conceptual framework and language of the program.
Enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 02 6247 3077
Please note that changes may be made to course dates and mode of delivery at late notice if COVID-19 restrictions escalate. While SHFPACT will endeavour to avoid any unnecessary changes, this may be unavoidable. Every effort will be made to reschedule the course, and any affected placements or assessment, to ensure that course participants are able to complete the course in a reasonable timeframe.
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